Week 1|| 100MileMonday ?

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”
Hebrews 12:1-2

Congratulations, you have made it through the first 4 days of the 2020 Spring100!! ? Just like previous years, y’all are going to have to make it through all the Spring100 formalities to get to the 100MileMonday fun at the bottom of this post. ? Pssst… We have a NEW video below! Don’t miss it. ??? I have been so blessed by each of you who have joined this challenge! We have the largest group of world-wide walkers to date. SERIOUSLY, this year is going to be so much fun!! I have been and will be praying for members during this Challenge. It’s my hope and prayer that this will not just be a fun physical activity but also a spiritual encouragement for the glory of God as we set our eyes on Jesus Christ[Heb 12:1-3]! NOW IS THE TIME TO LOG YOUR MILES. There is a super easy mile log to fill out below! An automated reply will be sent after submitting your miles so if you are unsure whether it went through, keep your eyes on your email. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Please note: A Spring100 week runs from Monday-Sunday! So this first log will be for March 19th-22th!

Spring100 MILE LOG



Huge thanks to Grace for editing this video!


Spring100 Registration Closes on THURSDAY, March 26th! Spread the word and If you haven’t joined yet, SIGN UP HERE!

This is the very first 100MileMonday post! These posts are where YOU get involved!! Send your weekly photos to Spring100@ShilohPhotography.com! I will also ask a simple but fun question each week for you all to answer and interact with other Spring100 walkers/runners. Please take time to leave a comment with your answer below! This is a great online community that can be used to encourage others!

If you have videos to submit Email us at Spring100@shilohPhotography.com! We will provide you with a Dropbox link to upload your videos to.

Week 1 QUESTION: Take a moment to leave a comment below introducing yourself to all the other Spring100ers! Leave a little “Hello”, let us know if this is your first Spring100 or if you’ve participated before, and (if you’re feeling adventurous) let us know what state you are walking the Spring100 in! Can’t wait to hear from YOU!

????As always, these posts are made possible by YOU!! The photos below only represent a small portion of people who have signed up. Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job so much easier!! So don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos to be featured! Email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com

LOVED seeing The Schmechel Family ready for another Spring 100!!??? Looking fabulous in last year’s Spring100 shirts. ?

You have to love the ever-changing Spring weather for the first few weeks of Spring100!! The G. family looking fabulous for week 1. So glad to have Hannah and her parents walking with us!! ?‍♀️??

The Derby ladies all smiles for Spring100 week 1! So glad to have you all join.??

From Chilly TX to Frigid MN! Mrs. E. +Christian + William are new Spring100ers and Rachel is back for another year of fun walking with a little spring snow. WELCOME!?‍♀️?‍♂️??

We are so excited to have the M. family join this year!! Can’t wait to see you all cross the finish line. ???

Happy to see Julia + Brother & the K. sisters join this year’s Spring100!??

Great to see the F. family back for another year of Spring100!!???‍♀️?‍♂️?

From Missouri to Belgium! Glad to see the Bartin ladies + Virginie returning for another year of Spring100!! ??

The D. ladies have joined the 2020 Spring100 walking fun!! WELCOME!! ??

Wet and cold BUT GETTING THINGS DONE! Love seeing these ladies overcoming and conquer miles. ?? WELCOME Holly & Eileen!! ?

?? Social distancing at it’s finest! Welcome J family!!??

Bethany C. is back for another fabulous year of Spring100 and Bekah + Mom are tackling their 4th Spring100! SO happy to see y’all back at it. ??????

So good to see the Cook family for a Second year of Spring100!! ?

Anna P. back for her SECOND Spring100(yay!!) and Lindsay J. is joining us for the 2020 Spring100(WELCOME!!)?‍♀️??

We love having the DEL family part of the Spring100! Great to see you all join for this year’s challenge. ???

The C. Ladies joining this year’s Spring100 and Elisha made it back to conquer 100 miles! So happy to see you all here!! ???

My dad and brothers are faithful Spring100ers and going for their 4th year! So glad to have you guys back!! ????

LOVE seeing the diversity of participants this year! Welcoming C. Family + Linda back to the 4th annual Spring100. ???

SO happy to have the entire B. family part of the Spring100 this year! Martha Joy and Maggie back for a second year. Welcome! ??

So happy to see the M. Ladies back and they successfully recruited their brother for this year’s Spring100!??? Welcome all!

Emma + brothers & Amanda S. enjoying the first few days of SPring100. ???Welcome!!

Mattie +  Bronwyn & Aliyah energized and ready to tackle the miles ahead! So glad to have you join!!??

Welcoming Abigail for her FIRST Spring100 and saying Hello to Hannah who is tackling Spring100 #4!! Yay! ???

Welcome back Barnes family!!! ? So good to see you back for another Spring100. ?‍♀️?‍♂️??

Hannah, Naomi, and Sarah B having a blast doing Spring100 together!! Welcome y’all! ??

Derby ladies kicking off the challenge with friends and fellow Spring100ers the Mieczkowskis! Welcome back ladies!! ???

WELCOME BACK Nelson family!! LOVE having you. ??‍♀️?‍♂️?

Welcome back Johnson ladies!!?? So happy to see you here for a second year!!

So great to see the White family walking together for yet another Spring100! Welcome back!! ???

So happy to have the sisters Joy + Phoebe and Kyra join the Spring100 fun!!?

The Cook family logging their first mile! WAY TO GO!!!????

Amparo is here for her FIRST Spring100 and the Rojas family are back again! LOVE SEEING YOU ALL. ????

Welcome back Micah!! She’s doing her 4th Spring100. ???

From country roads to church, Julie and Amber have joined the Spring100 challenge and are conquering miles! ???

This mother daughter team, Laura and Jennifer joining for their first Spring100 and so happy to have Amanda S. here too!! WELCOME!! ??

Austin + Lamb family conquering their first few miles for the Spring100! So happy to have you all join. ???

Jessica & Daniel walking their first Spring100 together as a married couple!?? Congratulations!! ??

Lydia, Ruth, and Emmi back for their 4th Spring100 and ENERGETICALLY EXCITED! So happy to have you!!! ???‍♀️???

So excited to have Deborah join the fun!! Welcome to the challenge!! ??

Phew! So many fabulous photos. Now, let’s conquer week 2!! ?? Happy walking y’all!


“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31

About Rachel

"Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword"; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken." Isaiah 1:18-20

136 thoughts on “Week 1|| 100MileMonday ?

  1. Hi! This is Dawn and it’s my first time doing the Spring100 challenge (a friend told me about it)! I was already in the habit of walking most days in my neighborhood in Michigan, but this challenge has been an additional motivator to go a little farther, or to walk on our eliptical when the weather is poor (rather than just skipping it), so I appreciate it!

  2. Hey everyone! This is my second Spring100! ? as a crazy workout-aholic, yes I am feeling adventurous! Excited for this years Spring100! ?

    1. Hello there! Abigail here from Manitoba, Canada! This is my first Spring100!? I found out about it from someone’s blog! Looking forward to getting more excercise and enjoying the fresh air!?

        1. If you wouldn’t have posted it on your blog, I would never have heard about it! So, thank you!!!!? I’ve been really enjoying it!!?

          1. Hello, there! I’m Anna, and this is my first year doing the Spring100. Here in the Lone Star State.

          2. I’m so glad you decided to do it and you learned about it from Annie Writes ❤️

  3. Hello all! My name is Heidi and this is my second Spring100! Excited to walk with all of you this year!

  4. We are very excited to start the SPRING 100!
    hope every body stays 6 feet away… (in group walks).

    praying for the world!

    -Christian E (down the road from ya’ll)

    1. Hello from the Martin family of Round Rock,Texas.
      We are excited for our first Spring100!!

    2. We are excited to have you join!! Welcome Christian and family. ??‍♀️ Enjoy your walks/runs! ?‍♂️

    3. Welcome Christian!!! Excited to have you and your family along this year ???????‍♂️See y’all at the Spring ? finish line!

  5. Hello! I am Amanda from Arkansas and I am so excited to be a first-time participant in Spring100! ? I am one of seven siblings and I enjoy farm life, working with my family, hymns, history, old things, herbal tea, dark chocolate and puppies. ?

    1. It is so good to see you join the Spring100 fun, Amanda!! I think we both share the enjoyment of dark chocolate. ??

  6. Hello! So fun to connect with you all! My 2 boys and I are honored to join SPRING100… couldn’t have come at a better time! Strong Body. Strong Mind. Strong Spirit!

  7. Wow! So many great pictures!Good job on week #1 everybody!!!??????
    My name is Ruth Leake and I’m on my fourth spring ??! I’ll be doing my miles in the state of Texas???. Keep up the great pace everyone!

    Proverbs 18:10
    “The name of the LORD
    is a strong tower;
    The righteous run to it and are safe.”

  8. My name is Lindsay Jones and this is my first Spring 100. I am the oldest of eight siblings and my youngest sister is doing the challenge with me! Fun fact: I am starting the Spring100 in Texas and will be finishing it in Arkansas as I will soon be getting married and moving to Arkansas before the Spring100 finishes.?

    1. Hi Lindsay! Glad to have you and Amy joining in this year! So excited to hear that you are getting married! Congratulations!

  9. Hi everybody, this is my first spring100 so I’m looking forward to all the adventures we will have. I’m running in the great frozen state of Michigan.

  10. Hi! I’m Anna and this is my second Spring ?!! I am so excited to be back! ? Thank you for posting the video—it was so fun to watch! ??

    1. Welcome back, ANNA!!!! You have been a faithful Spring100 encouragement!! So glad to have you back for another Spring100. ??

    1. So happy to have you join, Elisabeth!! Praying you are encouraged by this challenge. ??‍♀️?

  11. Hey everyone! ??
    I’m Virginie from Belgium and this is my second year in SPRING100 ! Actually I have tried to participate before but I never could get all the miles in until last year ? Excited and determined to cross the finish line once again ???
    It’s great knowing we’re doing this together !
    Stay strong , healthy and have fun everybody ! ??‍♂️??‍♀️
    Oh and great video ladies !??

  12. Hello! My name is Leona and I’m doing my first Spring100 with four of my siblings! Most of our family has been able to go out the past couple of days, and it’s been a lot of fun! I’m excited to be able to continue this! Also, thanks for the video; it was fun to watch. :D

    1. So glad you enjoyed the video, Leona! ? AND super happy to have you join the Spring100!!!! ??‍♀️?

  13. Hello from northeast Florida! This is my first Spring 100, and I’m very thankful for my friend Sheri Claude who told me about this event! This is the perfect incentive to get out and moving! :)

  14. HELLO FROM IL!!! My name is Bronwyn and I am so excited to be participating in the SPRING 100! :) This is my very first time participating! I heard about this challenge from my friend Anna! :) This is a WONDERFUL thing that you are doing! May the Lord bless and encourage your hearts for hosting this challenge! I am excited to get out and walk/run more with my family! I’d like to share my favorite Bible verse with you, it’s Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13 KEEP ON LOOKING UNTO JESUS! THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH!

    1. Bronwyn! Welcome to your first Spring100. I hope you are extremely encouraged and uplifted by this fun challenge! ??

  15. Hi there! I am Sarah Silvey from Arkansas! This is my first Spring100 and I am doing it with my mom and two sisters! This has been so fun to participate in so far!!

    1. Welcome to your first spring ? Sarah!!!!It’s going to be a lot of fun having you along!??❤️

  16. Hello from Illinois!!! My name is Aliyah, and thanks so much for organizing this awesome challenge!! I’ve had so much fun walking with my family, and exercising in the process!! ;) May the Lord bless you. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. ~Proverbs 31:29~

    1. Aliyah! Thank you for your sweet comment. It is such a joy to have you join the Spring100!! ?

  17. Hello! My name is Pam and I live in IL. My favorite Bible verse is Isaiah 41:10. I broke my leg 3 weeks ago, but I hope that I can join you in this challenge in the next few weeks when it gets better! Our walk with the Lord is most important! :) I’m praying for you! May the Lord bless and encourage your hearts.

    1. Welcome Pam! Praying for your healing. Amen, our walk with the Lord is most important! May we set our eyes steadfastly on HIM! ??

  18. Hi! My name is Jenna and this is my first Spring100. I’m walking/running in North Carolina and so excited to have several family members and friends joining me!

  19. Hi Everyone! I’m Hannah Griggs and this is my 4th Spring 100. I will be walking in north-central Texas. Great to see all the new faces as well as the participants from previous years!

    1. And I forgot to mention that I loved the video that y’all done. What a fun way of answering all the questions!

    1. Hey! I’m Kyra from Arizona! The weather is beautiful here for walking! This has been so fun to do with my sisters! Thank you for hosting it!!!!!???

      1. Welcome welcome welcome Kyra !!! Wow Arizona sounds like it would be a fun place to walk!!! I would love to see some pictures of the scenery where you’re from?????!

        1. Thank you,Ruth! ? Yes, it is definitely a fun place to walk!?? I Hope you are having a great day!

  20. Hey guys! ?? I’m Lydia, and this is my first year actually doing Spring 100 (I didn’t sign up last year, but I walked a lot with my sisters who did sign up…). I’m loving it so far ? I live in the beautiful state of Michigan ?

    1. Hello there all! I’m Emma here in the wonderful state of Virginia! We did the Spring100 as a family last year and we all had so much fun!! It’s such a great way to get exercise in and have fellowship while doing it! Thank you so much for organizing it and all the time you put into it! We all surely appreciate it!

      Looking forward to another wonderful season!!

      1. It’s so good to have you back, Emma!! Thank YOU for joining and interacting. That means so much to me!????

  21. Hi! My name is Caroline Flournoy and I live in Ohio. This is my first Spring100 and I’m excited to be joining y’all! :)
    I have 11 siblings and one on the way! My family owns a cabin business in the Hocking Hills and I help out with that.
    Some things I enjoy doing are Hand-lettering, Photography,Decorating,Writing letters, and being outside. I am very
    Extroverted and I love cats and any cute animals. I also love Hobby Lobby and anything Lemon. ;)
    I can’t wait to walk with all of y’all this Spring! This is the day that the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it! :)

    Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

    1. WELCOME Caroline!!! So happy you’re joining for your first Spring100.??? I love your hobbies! So good to get to know you a little!!

  22. Hello to my fellow-walkers! I’m Sheri Claude, and Gita Barker and I are joining you from mid-Florida for our 2nd Spring 100 challenge. I love the comradery of the shared experience. We are all in this together!

  23. Hello all! I’m Sydney from NV. It’s my first year; a dear friend let me know and I’m so excited to join you all! Happy walking :)

  24. Hi! This is my first Spring100, and my sister and I are doing it together in New Jersey. I am really enjoying the challenge so far, and am excited to continue!

  25. I’m Hannah from Virginia, walking for my 3rd year, and my parents are joining me this time around. Glad to hear there are so many new people joining in! Looking forward to the weeks ahead.

    1. Hannah, it’s always such a blessing to have you join the Spring100. Thank you for your faithful participation and encouragement! ♥️? Happy Walking!

  26. We heard about the challenge from my good friend Elisha, and we’re excited to participate for the first time! My 8-year-old daughter and I are doing it together. We travel full time, but we’re currently in Florida!

    1. So glad Elisha shared the challenge with you, Anna!! Enjoy walking with your daughter wherever your travels take you.??‍♀️?

  27. I’m Deb (and husband Tom) joining our daughter Hannah (above comment) for the first time. I think we’re probably the two oldsters in the group… so hope we can make it to the end! Looking forward to trying! ~ Shenandoah Valley in Virginia

    1. Mrs Girotti! So glad to see you and your husband join. What a blessing! Praying you make it to the finish line encouraged and renewed physically and spiritually!! ♥️??‍♀️

  28. I’m Amanda, and this is my first year doing Spring100! I am doing it in NJ with my sister Lindsey M., who has already commented. Being in a state that is on lockdown, this is an awesome way to remember to get out and exercise!

    1. Welcome Amanda! So glad you and your sister’s joined. Happy to have you a part of this year’s challenge!!???

  29. Hi! My name is Alyssa, and I will be doing all of my walking and jogging in the Lone Star state of Texas. This is my second Spring 100 and I’m really looking forward to it!!

  30. What precious fun!!! Just so overjoyed seeing all the excited “first-timers”. I just want to encourage y’all. You’ll be blessed! God is good!!! Definitely stay tuned because every year the Lord blesses this event with some pretty amazing uplifting stories and the pictures are always so heartwarming! Praying for your leg Pam…quick permanent healing!
    Sheri and Gita, praying for your health and vitality…your presence here last year encouraged me!
    Kelli E, Christian and William…my beautiful neighbors…made my day to see your picture!!! So surprised!!! If both our families get to mile 99 come on down and we’ll do the final mile together. Yes, Christian…6 feet apart if necessary:):):) and I’ll join you in praying for the world!!!

    “As for the saints who are on the earth, “They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.””
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭16:3‬ ‭

    Enthusiastic “Hello” to everyone else!

    “He will guard the feet of His saints”
    1 Samuel 2:9

  31. This is Rosie A. from Northeast Ohio, and I am doing my first Spring100 with my brother! I first heard about it last year from a few family friends of ours, and I’m thrilled to participate this year.
    What a fabulous ministry!

    1. Hi Rosie!
      This is Emma Flournoy’s 15 year old sister Caroline. :) That is so neat that you and your brother are doing this too!
      This is my first Spring100 as well and I am so excited! Kina told me about it. Happy running/walking! :)

      I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.~Philippians 4:13

      When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, And when you run, you will not stumble. ~Proverbs 4:12

  32. Wow! Such a great post. Looking forward to the coming weeks! Everyone keep up the good work!

  33. Hey everybody! I’m Alyssa, a 20 year old daughter at home and lover of all things music! ? ♥️ I’m recovering from a bout of pneumonia, so am taking it easy and starting the miles off real slow – but can’t wait to jump in full steam! This is my second Spring100; last year I walked the beautiful hills of my NH home, but this year I will be walking wherever I’m able to in my new home state of sunny FL ☀️ ?. I was hoping to get some beach miles in, but all the beaches here in Pensacola are closed due to COVID-19 precautions. So grateful that “stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blessed, finding as He promised, perfect peace and rest.” “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the LORD forever; for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength!” ~Isaiah 26:3,4
    So glad to be doing this with y’all! Welcome to all you new folks! Let’s continue to stay our minds on Jesus and rest in His plan as we run with patience the race set before us!♥️

    1. Alyssa!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back. So sorry to hear about the Pneumonia. Hope you can take it slow and steady! I can’t wait to see you at the finish line!! ♥️?

  34. Hey! I’m Emma joining you from Georgia! I’m so thankful for the wonderful spring weather we’ve been having here! (Especially after seeing some of y’all have snow!) Thank you so much for the video, girls! Loved it! I also loved seeing everyone’s pictures!

  35. So awesome to see even more people participating this year :) My name is Mary Mieczkowski and I am from Southeast Michigan! This is my second Spring100, and I am hoping to get well over 100 miles in due to the COVID-19 stay at home order from the governor. Guess I’ll just be going on a lot of virtual walks with friends :D

    1. Welcome back Mary! Isn’t this such a fabulous group. IT’S HUGE!!!!!!!!!! Ooooh, enjoy the stay home order, redeem the time, and get lots of miles in! ??

  36. Hello everybody! I’m Julia and I’ll be joining you from great state of Michigan :)
    I really enjoyed participating in this challenge last year, and have already been encouraged as I’ve walked my first few miles!
    Keep up the good work, and don’t forget the real race of knowing God and making Him known ♥

  37. Hello there! My family and I are excited to join you all for our first Spring100! It started with just myself signing up. Two of my little brothers joined me for my first mile and a half and then decided they wanted to sign up too. My parents joined us for our third mile and decided they wanted in on the fun, so now it has become a family challenge :) So fun to see all you fellow Texans. I’m curious to know how many mutual connections we have :D

    1. Aw!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to have you and you got the rest of the family to join too! Y’all are going to have a fabulous time!! Let’s just say there are a LOT of Texans in this group. Texas may hold the largest number of walkers for the Spring100?! But signup is still open so we shall see.??

  38. Hi! We’re the Bowling family and this is our first year doing this! We just learned about it from my daughter’s old piano teacher, Melody Mieczkowski! We’re getting a late start but we’re excited to catch up!

      1. LOVE how many Ohio Spring100ers we have this year!! Welcome Sarah. Hope y’all have a fabulous time doing the Spring100!! ????

  39. Hi my name is Cassady and this is my second year and I’m very excited to be walking/jogging with all of y’all!!!! I live in the big state of Texas.?
    Have a blessed week!

  40. Cherith Hendrich here running from Texas! (Running alongside my friends the Vanderford’s and Cahill’s, who are also doing this challenge.)?

  41. Hello hello hello! Miranda here from Wisconsin! This is the first Spring100 for my sister and I, and I can’t wait to see how it goes! My bet is that my endurance levels with get much higher by the time this is done, haha. I’m afraid I’ve been less than productive this winter when it comes to exercise. ? This will be very good for me. ;)

    1. ??‍♀️?Welcome Miranda and sister!!!! It is so good to have you. YES, you should build up a bit of endurance as the days go on! Happy walking!! :)

  42. Hello from the Silvey family in Southwest Arkansas! My name is Dana and this is our first year to participate in Spring100. We met the Leake ladies at a Bontrager concert earlier this year and found out about Spring100. My girls (Amanda, Sarah, Grace) and I are excited to be on board and are looking forward to a fun spring!

  43. Hey! My name is Cari and I live in the amazing Kansas City, MO! I heard about this from some dear friends. As I love running, I decided to join! This is my first time. :)

    1. Welcome Carissa! So great to have you. I grew up in the Kansas City, MO area. So fun!!! ??? The springs are beautiful there.?

  44. Happy Spring 100 everyone!! I am walking my 4th Spring 100 here in east TX!! I have to confess that my pinky-toe issue was more of a joke than a legitimate ailment. But no matter waht it is, we’ve all got a little something that could stand in our way ;). Keep on keepin’ on!! So excited to walk this with you all!! “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

  45. I cannot remember–if we have not completed any miles in a week, do we log “zero”? Our family has been done with a virus for the past 2 weeks, but we should be back on our feet this coming week!

  46. My name is Rosy and I have been really enjoying spending time with my sister Gracie, while walking. :) We live in the country in Mexico (We’re missionaries) so it’s been awesome. Thanks for hosting this!! :D

Leave a comment and make my day! :)